Last Update: 2024/05/07
Publication Page and “Member Photo” in the Top Page have been updated.
2024/05/07 “Member Photo” in the Top Page has been changed.
2024/05/07 Our paper has been accepted in Adv. Synth. Catal.
2024/04/26 Satoshi Yagi (MC2) and Yuto Furuki (MC1) received the Best Presentation Award for Students in the 144th Annual Meeting of the Phamaceutical Society of Japan.
2023/04/16 Academic Year of 2024 has been started on April 1st, and “Member (Students)” page has been updated.
2024/02/20 Our paper has been accepted in ACS Catalysis.
P.S. The cover art for this paper was adopted.
2023/11/03 “Member Photo” in the Top Page has been changed.
2023/09/25 New members (3rd year undergrad students from Schools of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Pharmacy) joined our group.
2023/06/06 Our paper has been accepted in Asian J. Org. Chem.
2023/04/26 Kohei Miyamoto (MC1) received the Best Presentation Award for Students in the 143rd Annual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan.
2023/04/25 Our paper has been accepted in Adv. Synth. Catal.
P.S. The cover art for this paper was adopted.
2023/04/07 The paper collaborated with Prof. Takahide Nishi (Health Sciences University of Hokkaido) has been accepted in Synlett.
2023/04/01 Academic Year of 2023 has been just started today, and “Member (Students)” page has been updated.
2023/03/22 Our paper has been accepted in Org. Lett.
P.S. The cover art for this paper was adopted.
2022/12/09 Our paper has been accepted in New J. Chem.
2022/11/09 “Member Photo” in the Top Page has been changed.
2022/09/26 New members (3rd year undergrad students from Schools of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Pharmacy) joined our group.
2022/05/13 “Member Photo” in the Top Page has been changed.
2022/05/01 Dr. Kento Nakamura has been appointed as an assistant professor in our group.
2022/04/05 The paper collaborated with Prof. Takahide Nishi (Health Sciences University of Hokkaido) has been accepted in Tetrahedron.
2022/04/01 Academic Year of 2022 has been just started today, and “Member (Students)” page has been updated.
2021/10/26 “Member Photo” in the Top Page has been changed.
2021/10/22 Our paper has been just accepted in Org. Biomol. Chem.
2021/09/27 New members (3rd year undergrad students from Schools of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Pharmacy) joined our group.
2021/07/28 Our paper has been accepted in Synthesis.
2021/04/30 “Member Photo” in the Top Page has been changed.
2021/04/13 Kazuki Takagishi (MC1) received the Best Presentation Award for Students in the 141st Annual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan.
2021/04/01 Dr. Kazuhiro Morisaki has been appointed as an assistant professor in our group.
2021/04/01 Assistant Prof. Ryohei Doi has moved to the Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University.
2021/03/30 Our paper has been accepted in Synthesis (Special Issue for C-H Activation)!
2021/03/17 Our paper has been accepted in Chem. Lett.!
2021/02/02 Our paper has been accepted in ChemCatChem!
2020/03/20 Our paper was selected as a Very Important Paper and as the Front Cover Picture in Adv. Synth. Catal.
2020/03/12 Taishi Nojima (B3) received the Best Discussion Award in the 3rd joint seminar of synthetic organic laboratories of our department.
2019/09/02 Ms. Serika Nagai from National Institute of Technology, Asahikawa College joined our group as a part of an internship program (2 weeks). Welcome!!
2019/07/20 We launched this new home page!!
2019/05/28 Our paper was selected as Cover Picture in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.
2019/04/25 Our paper was selected as Hot Paper in Chem. Eur. J.
2019/04/01 Dr. Yi-Min Liu from Taipei Medical University joined our group!! Welcome!!
2019/04/01 Assistant Prof. Tsuyoshi Mita has moved to WPI-ICReDD as a Designated Associate Professor.
2018/12/07 Assistant Prof. Tsuyoshi Mita received Lecture Award of ICPAC Langkawi 2018.
2018/10/27 Masashi Uchiyama (M1) received the Presentation Award in the joint seminor of synthetic organic laboratories of our department.
2018/05/26 Our paper was highlighted in Synfacts.
2017/10/21 Sho Ishii (M1) received the Presentation Award in the joint seminar of synthetic organic laboratories of our department.
2017/07/19 Our paper was selected as Back Cover in Chem. Commun.
2017/05/30 Our paper is ranked in the Most read articles for the past 1 month (Top 20) of J. Am. Chem. Soc.
2017/05/19 Kenichi Michigami (current position: postdoctoral researcher in the Takemoto group) has been focused in Spotlight Research of Chem-Station.
2017/03/03 Yuki Higuchi (D3) has been introduced in Heterocycles, 94(1), 2017, 1.
2016/11/15 Yuki Higuchi (D3) has been focused in Spotlight Research of Chem-Station.
2016/10/30 Prof. Yoshihiro Sato attended the 11th International Conference on Cutting-Edge Organic Chemistry in Asia (ICCEOCA-11) and received Asian Core Program Lectureship Awards (China and Korea).
2016/10/30 Kenichi Michigami (D3) attended the 6th Junior International Conference on Cutting-Edge Organic Chemistry in Asia (6th Junior ICCEOCA) and received the Best Presentation Award. He gave his award lecture in the 11th International Conference on Cutting-Edge Organic Chemistry in Asia (ICCEOCA-11).
2016/10/28 Assistant Prof. Tsuyoshi Mita received Banyu Chemist Award 2016.
2016/10/28 Our paper was highlighted in Synfacts.
2016/10/07 Yuki Higuchi (D3) received Heterocycles Award (the Best Presentation Award) in the 46th Congress of Heterocyclic Chemistry.
2016/05/29 Takahisa Taniguchi (D3) received the Best Discussion Award in Organic Chemistry -the Next Generation-.
2016/04/11 Shuichi Masusaki (M1) received a Student Presentation Award in the 136th Annual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan.
2016/04/01 Dr. Ryohei Doi has been appointed as an assistant professor in our group.
2015/11/11 Our paper was selected as Inside Cover and Very Important Publication in Adv. Synth. Catal.
2015/06/24 Our paper was highlighted in Synfacts.
2015/05/16 Naoya Awaji (M1) received a Student Presentation Award in the 142th Regular Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, Hokkaido Branch.
2015/04/25 Our paper was selected as Back Cover in Chem. Asian J.
2015/04/11 Yoshio Hato (D3) and Takahisa Taniguchi (D2) received Student Presentation Awards in the 135th Annual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan.
2015/04/01 Associate Prof. Nozomi Saito has moved to Meiji Pharmaceutical University as a Full Professor.